Monday, May 25, 2020

John Kay and His Impact on Weaving

In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle—an improvement to weaving looms and a key contribution to the  Industrial Revolution. Early Years Kay was born on June 17, 1704,  in the  Lancashire  hamlet of  Walmersley. His  father, Robert, was a farmer and wool manufacturer but died before he was born.  Thus, Johns mother was responsible for educating him until she remarried. John Kay was just a young man when he became the manager of one of his fathers mills. He developed skills as a machinist and engineer and made many improvements to the machines in the mill. He  apprenticed with a  hand-loom reed  maker and also designed a  metal substitute  for the natural reed that became popular enough to sell throughout England.  After traveling the country making, fitting, and selling his wire reeds, Kay returned home and, in June 1725, married a woman from Bury.   The Flying Shuttle The flying shuttle was an improvement to the loom that enabled weavers to work faster. The original tool contained a bobbin onto which the weft (crossways) yarn was wound. It was normally pushed from one side of the warp (the series of yarns that extended lengthways in a loom) to the other side by hand. Because of this, large looms needed two weavers to throw the shuttle. Alternatively, Kays flying shuttle was thrown by a lever that could be operated by just one weaver.  The shuttle was able to do the work of two people—and more quickly. In Bury, John Kay continued to design improvements to textile machinery; in 1730 he patented a  cording  and  twisting  machine for  worsted. These innovations were not without consequences, however. In 1753, Kays home was attacked by textile workers who were angry that his inventions might take work away from them. Kay ultimately fled England for France where he died in poverty around 1780. Influence and Legacy of  John Kay Kays invention paved the way for other mechanical textile tools, but it wouldnt be for about 30 years—the  power loom  was invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1787. Until then, Kays son, Robert, stayed in  Britain.  In 1760, he developed the drop-box, which enabled looms to use multiple flying shuttles at the same time, allowing for multicolor wefts. In 1782, Roberts son, who lived with John in France, provided an account of the inventors troubles to  Richard Arkwright—Arkwright then sought to highlight problems with patent defense in a parliamentary petition. In Bury, Kay has become a local hero. Even today, there are still several  pubs  named after him, as is the park called Kay Gardens.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Experience Attending a Pentecostal Church service - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 532 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Gays One day I heard the privilege of visiting a gay bar. I did this not once or even twice, actually severally. I did not visit the place as a gay given I am a straight person but just wanted to learn a bit from them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Experience Attending a Pentecostal Church service" essay for you Create order I purpose to get familiarized with their way of living, understand their point of view when it came to lifestyle choices. For the nights I was in the bar I observed their character and it was not as strange as I could imagine. Aside from them living as homosexuals it was basically very normal. The interactions and their stories were normal. The bar was a safe space for them as it was that one place that they could freely interact without anyone judging them for their actions. I chose a gay bar because I knew this was one place I could get to learn from them easily. This is because they do not have to hide their character in order to fit in the society with fear of being misjudged. In the bar they would do the things they normally did and so easier to learn from them. Some of the preconceptions I had about the place is the resistance I thought I would experience. The gay people are quite accommodating and do not judge anyone for their lifestyle. They are social and interact with everyone. I at first thought I would get some resistance due to the fact that I am not one of them. There are however some small personal biases you would encounter. Some gays prefer to be left alone in their safe space without disturbance. Mingling out there is very difficult for them. it is even harder for them to spot their mates as not so many are bold enough to come out. In a gay bar however they can easily mingle with their fellow gays and even build their network. In that way they would be able to address the issues they face. I learned so much from the conversation we had with them. Most of the gay couples experience difficulty in convincing their family members of their choice. Some have even been chased away from their homes because of their stand. They feel bad when they are being judged by everyone each time. I learnt the importance of associating with the gays freely without having a biased mind setting. They are normal human beings who do not enjoy to be ill-treated. They deserve to be treated with respect as they also have their rights. If I were to repeat my experience with them I would have made a lot of changes. I would erase the wrong conceptions I had about them. I would freely interact with them but in other areas that would not interfere with their safe space. This is because they also deserve space where they can meet and share their experiences together. There are a lot of things I have learnt from the gays. If I were to counsel one of them then I do not think I would experience difficulty. This is because I have gotten the chance of mingling with them and learning about them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Trade Theories That Can Be Analyzed - 944 Words

International Trade Theories There are a number of different trade theories that can be analyzed in regards to the above referenced research project, and I will attempt to address the theories I feel that are most relatable to the question in hand. The first international trade theory I will address is that of Mercantilism. Historically, mercantilism is defined as â€Å"the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism†. (, 2016) Today it has been suggested that mercantilism is the belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism, and that it is the basis upon which all future strategic operations made money for countries in the Asia Pacific. The next international trade theory to be addressed is the Porter’s Diamond, also known as the National Competitive Advantage. The Porter’s Diamond strategy seeks to answer the question of why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry. (Harvard Business Review, 1990). When analyzing this theory there are number of factors that need to be taken into consideration, however what is notable is that basic factors such as climate and location are among those most important. To be more specific, a automobile company wishing to expand into a different country, would not want their factory to be inland, practically it makes more sense to have a factory close to port, in order forShow MoreRelatedChinas Accession Of The World Trade Organization1422 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 has accelerated the growth of its foreign trade still further. The more China’s foreign trade activities mean more trading partners, and chin a had already established trading relationship with more than 200 countries and regions all around the world. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Comparative Business Sequence Analysis Business Frameworks

Question: Describe about the Comparative Business Sequence Analysis for Business Frameworks. Answer: Introduction BHP Billiton is an Australian conglomerate involved in mineral operations. It has also invested in other countries like Brazil, Peru and Colombia. BHP Billiton is an energy exporter and operates seven segments in mineral resources mainly, base metals, diamonds, stainless steel, liquefied natural gas, energy coal and oil (Axelrad and Kagan, 2000). BHP Billiton is in a process of splitting of its core assets in order to concentrate on products such as iron ore, copper, coal, oil and potash. As of March 1, 2016, came into effect a new operating model that will bring together the operations of the firm in three new areas: Oil, Minerals in the Americas and Australia. It was established in 2001 and is one of the biggest companies in Australia. It is also listed in the Australian stock exchange and several other countries globally establishing itself as one of the biggest mineral exploring company in the mining industry (DeSombre, 2006). It was formed after a merger between BHP and Billiton mining companies and its headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia. As of 2015 the number of employees working in BHP Billiton Australia were 29,670 according to the companies websites, however, the global mark stood at slightly more than 80,000 employees. Regulatory frameworks affecting multinational Multinational companies have come to control most strategic sectors of the world economy: energy, finance, telecommunications, health, agriculture, infrastructure, water, media, industries Armament and feeding. The capitalist crisis we live today has done nothing but strengthen the economic role and capacity of policy of large corporations influence, how soon do business with natural resources such as BHP Billiton, utilities and real estate speculation, as futures markets energy and food, patents on life or land (Dieterich, n.d.). With this in mind regulatory frameworks have been put by the various governments including the Australian government. Tax regulations The accumulated huge profits by transnational corporations have their origin in the mechanisms of extraction and appropriation of economic wealth that underlie the workings of capitalism (Haccius and OBÃÅ'â‚ ¬rien, 2001). The increasing exploitation of workers and the constant wage devaluation, unlimited pressure on the environment for raw materials and natural resources, financial speculation both the surplus obtained as anything that can be bought and sold, the commodification of more and more spheres of human activities and the priority enjoyed by the mechanisms of reproduction of capital against the processes that enable sustaining life have served effectively to key executives and shareholders of large corporations become billionaires. Characterizing the socio-ecological impacts of multinational Given the increasing poverty and global inequality and rising social rejection including miners in Australia that have been generated, large corporations seeking to build a story with which it can question its centrality in the global economy. it is convincing that companies are more part of the problem than are part of the solution. Generally speaking, companies rather than governments and civil society, are better prepared to be catalysts for innovation and transformation towards a sustainable world First, that transnational corporations like BHP Billiton have not contributed to an improvement in the quantity and quality of employment, nor the provision of the services they offer practically have not invested in maintenance, have hardly favored technology transfer processes and, the end of the day, they have not brought hand the progress and welfare for the people of the region, which was what was promised with arrival after privatization and neoliberal reforms of the eighties and nineties (Hornell and Vahlne, 2013). Second, along with economic considerations there is a whole list of serious social, political, environmental and cultural factors that are associated with the internationalization of business of these companies. And, thirdly, those who have gained thus have not been precisely the working classes and social majorities, but the owners of those companies, recipients of capital income and politicians and businessmen who have made gold through the revolving doors that connect the public sector and the business world. Benefits transfer. Sometimes multinationals transfer the benefits of the parent company, based in a European country with high tax burden, to group subsidiaries located in Australia with low or no taxation.. This trap is that a multinational based in the Australia creates a subsidiary in a country with low taxes, which in turn grants a loan to the parent company. Thus the multinational based company ends up paying high interest rates that reduce your tax bill. The directive will limit the amount of interest that a large group can be deduced. This will increase the amount of taxes you pay. Double taxation of dividends. Dividends entering the EU from third countries are often exempt from taxation to avoid double taxation. Some multinationals exploit this exemption to benefit from double non-taxation, that is, simply to escape the tax. This occurs when a company based in the EU invests in a company located in a non- country with low tax burden. Transfer of intellectual property- Often, assets such as intellectual property or patents, are not taxed when transferred from one member state to a country. The tax reform requires intellectual property and patent output. The aggressive tax planning- Multinationals who practice seeking a way around the rules and find loopholes in tax legislation of BHP Billiton policies in countries. For these cases, the new policy includes an anti-abuse clause to unmounts overall fiscal practices not covered by previous cases. Environmental and workers rights regulations Moreover, the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation of the state, through the Inspectorate of Mines, supports the safety and health at the sites, ensuring that they adopt safety standards; forming a board of examiners that sets standards and competencies in mining safety, along with a series of examinations and issuance of certificates of fitness. This organization seeks to effectively respond to accidents and incidents in the mines, making reports to enable improvements in the industry and thus to prevent future accidents. Guidance Note in the month of this document using, Safe Work Analysis, a tool that helps identify and assess risks within a site is presented. The Minerals Council of Australia, through the Health and Safety Committee, seeks to end fatalities, injuries and illnesses in the mining work. It uses a program that rewards companies according to their performance in security, and transmits their experiences to other organizations (Jones, Guthrie and Steane, 2001). This body, pursues its objectives through four working groups focused on different areas: leadership, recognition, health and law. Mining laws In Queesland, the Health and Safety Regulation of Mines and Quarries was renovated in 2001, emphasizing the work into three parts: identification, assessment and hazard control. Treaties and impact to companys products. One of the treaties signed by BHP Billiton is called treaty 6 territory, the company signed an opportunities agreement with Saskatchewan that allowed them to participate in the Jansen Potash project. This treaty was signed on January 2014. Some of the benefits of this treaty include commitments by the company to start initiatives meant to build capacity in education , labor force development and training (Ricardo, 2001). The companys aim is to create as well as maintain a meaningful long term relationship with the communities in which their projects are located. This is one of the many treaties and agreements that BHP Billiton has signed to endear itself to the members of the public. There is a positive effect on the products for the company. Multi national corporations remain unpunished to their numerous abuses and multiple violations of human rights worldwide. There is apparently no national or global legal and judicial system, able to prosecute them, you can not even speak of a real capacity to regulate their activities. In short, there is a global legal architecture of impunity for Multi National Corporation, the result of a political and legal offensive of Multinational capital of deep draft that has been developed mainly in the last three decades. For these reasons, from civil society organizations, it has emerged the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹responding to a global campaign to medium term cannot be other than the transformation of the legal architecture. Given the global impunity, People have propose the construction of an International Treaty of the Peoples of principles, but fundamentally binding rules governing the power of Multinationals corporations and stop their abuses and human rights violations worldwide. It is widely recognized that Multinational corporations such as BHP Billiton are responsible for numerous abuses and multiple violations of human rights in all its dimensions and worldwide fact. Likewise are the main agents of environmental destruction; They are guilty of real ecological crimes. And yet, they benefit from a high degree of impunity. There is apparently no national or global legal and judicial system, able to prosecute them. There is no real capacity to regulate their activities. Possibly there are rules in the core countries of capitalism, where generally found their parent companies, which sometimes are effective, but not the case in the peripheral economies where they use their enormous economic, political and even ideological weight for the benefit of their corporate interests (SaÃÅ' ez, 2013). The overall effect is to evade any regulation since the characteristic of the Multinational corporation is precisely the mobility and flexibility, its operation worldwid e, transcending borders and national jurisdictions. But this privileged status is not explained by the obsolescence of legal systems or blow off traditional regulatory inefficiencies. On the contrary, it is the result of a real campaign forward by the companies themselves and crowned by successive successes especially since the eighties with the onset and peak of neoliberalism. Campaign has progressed in two ways. On the one hand, the dismantling of all previous attempts at regulation and control, being replaced by a demanding protection framework called "investor rights". This framework, progressive development, is expressed both in the WTO and many multilateral and bilateral free trade agreements and notably in "bilateral treaties promotion and protection of investments" manner. From the institutional point of view, TNCs have achieved a significant transformation of the philosophy underpinning the global order and its instances and practices, starting with the organization of the United Nations to join as equivalent to national stat es actors. It is the essence of the known Global Compact or Global Compact was proposed in 1998 and officially launched in 2000. The common practice of large TNCs pressing is thus legitimized within N.U. and all kinds of agencies and multilateral agencies. This offer, popularized the slogan of "corporate social responsibility" not only does not represent any regulation for MNCs but becomes a way of legitimizing their activities. In practice, a marketing strategy that constitutes a real advertising campaign currently underway worldwide. In summary, it can be said that the current situation, characterized by a global legal architecture of impunity for TNCs, is the result of a political and legal offensive of Multinational capital of deep draft that has been developed mainly in the three decades. It is for all these reasons, from civil society organizations, has emerged the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹responding to a global campaign to medium term can not be other than the transformation of the legal architecture (SaÃÅ' ez, 2013). In the understanding, of course, it is fundamentally a political campaign because it represents a change in power relations. TheCommitmentlinks the release ofprogressively moreconsumersas well asnations with the interdependenceof all themembersin the worldcommunity .Thusit seemednot balancedandthe crisis of the seventieshave an effect onprimarilyto developingnations. Thedevelopmentofa completely newinternational economic orderought to be based on sovereign equality ,globalcooperationas well as theremovalof imbalances .The rightof everycountry to adopt the economicas well associal system that it deems bestwithcompletesovereignty overits ownnatural resourcesas well as othereconomic activities . The regulationand alsosupervision of the activities of Multinational companiesthrough measures for national economies .Offeringguidanceto developingnationsas well aspeoples and territories under colonial domination . The establishment ofa reasonableand equitable relationship between the prices ofunprocessed materials, primary products , manufactured goodsas well assemi-manufactured exporting to developingnationsand pr ices of raw materials ,products, manufactured goods , goods capital and equipment imported , in order to achieve continuous improvement in their unsatisfactory terms of trade and the expansion of the world economy . Conclusion The treaties signed by Multinational Companies enable the companies not to contravene international laws that have been set for consumer protection. Such treaties enables the company to have a mutual relationship with people in the community they operate in (Treaty series, n.d.). Some of the benefits that accrue from the treaties that BHP Billiton is improving the lives of people by building capacity through training, labor improvement and on the other hand the products of the company are well accepted by the community. References Axelrad, L. and Kagan, R. 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